Protect your workstation from paint, glue, resin, and more with 'Resin Workstation Mat. Made out of quality high-grade silicone, this mat ensures no resin sticks to it, making cleanup super easy. Just leave the mat out in the sun until the resin cures and voila—your mat is clean after you flex that hardened cured resin right off. Easily pop off other materials like dried super glue and even solder. This mat is 48cm in length and 30cd in width to ensure it can be placed under various resin machines
The silicone pad cannot be damaged by resins, chemicals or adhesives. It is also resistant to molten solder for up to 3 minutes. It is therefore suitable for use to protect the work surface in the event of a spill. After finishing the 3D printing, measure the silicone mat outside for UV radiation. The leaked resin hardens. By simply bending the mat, you release the hardened resin and dispose of it easily and safely.